Whatsapp payment UPI based. How to get started

WhatsApp Payments Rolling Out in India: How to Get Started With the UPI-Based Service


How to get WhatsApp Payments right now

Like we said earlier, the WhatsApp payments feature is rolling out to select users in India right now. First, make sure you are running the latest version of the app - as of filing this report, that’s v2.18.41 on Android and iPhone v2.18.22. Open any WhatsApp chat and see if you see the new Payments sub-head under Settings. If you do, great, you now have access to WhatsApp’s UPI-based payments feature. If not, you have no other option but to wait.
WhatsApp Payments Rolling Out in India: How to Get Started With the UPI-Based Service

How to add bank accounts for WhatsApp Payments

Here’s how you can add your bank account to WhatsApp and get started with the payments feature:
  1. Go to Settings -> Payments inside WhatsApp.
  2. In the Bank Accounts sub-head, select the Add New Account option.
  3. Tap Accept and Continue if you agree with the terms.
  4. Tap the Verify via SMS and follow the prompts to send an SMS to start the linking process.
  5. On the next screen, select the bank whose account you want to add.
  6. If you have an account (or multiple accounts) linked with the number that you just sent the SMS from, you will be presented with your account (or accounts) from that bank.
  7. If everything goes smoothly, you will see the UPI Setup Complete screen.
